• My name is Paul Garrido and I was born in Caracas, Venezuela. Since I had the first contact with a manual of Teaching Spanish for Foreigners in 2008, which had been edited by the School of Modern Languages of the Central University of Venezuela and was used in a community service project that helped foreign refugees to integrate into Venezuelan society, the subject of teaching my mother tongue strongly attracted my interest. This materialized shortly after when I did my first training in an ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language) workshop in 2009.

During my years of studies in Translation, I enjoyed collaborating selflessly with exchange students who lived in Caracas, and who were interested in the Latin American language and culture. The fact of being able to help them expand their vocabulary and improve their knowledge of grammar using exclusively the resources of Spanish created an atmosphere of mutual satisfaction: they appreciated being immersed in the language and culture and I felt the gratification of see them progress and develop naturally in Spanish.

Since 2012, residing in France, I have been able to practice the profession in face-to-face classes at all levels and to all types of students. I have also completed my training with the Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language, with annual ELE training courses and with an accreditation as an official evaluator of certified Spanish exams from the Cervantes Institute.

Starting from 2016, I have successfully started to offer my online teaching services on different foreign language learning platforms, where I have accumulated more than 5000 hours of experience.

Being able to teach my mother tongue remotely is a real pleasure, not only because of the opportunity to interact in real time with people of all backgrounds and literally living all over the world, but also because of the privilege of representing the language and culture of the more than 500 million Spanish speakers. This role also entails the responsibility of exposing and making reality understood and showing the best of each of the more than 20 countries that share the language of Cervantes, a role that I always perform with the greatest satisfaction and pride.